Dominika TRAPP & Sarolta KREMMER: Bábaíre / Midwives, Fonalinstalláció / Thread installation, 2020.
Semmelweis Medical History Museum
Művészek / Artists:
Ágnes EPERJESI, Viola FÁTYOL and Lilla SZÁSZ, Zsuzsanna SIMON, Balázs VARJU TÓTH, Dominika TRAPP
Our project takes the collection of the Semmelweis Medical History Museum (SOM) as its starting point and focuses on a specific scientific topic, namely the presence of women (doctors, health visitors, healers, midwives) in the history of medicine and the different roles attached to the female body. We analyze the contradictory relationship between unofficial and institutional medical treatments as well as the “female'' roles attached to certain medical practices and to the notions of health politics and reproductive rights.
We invited artists to reflect on the permanent collection of SOM and use it as a starting point for a broader reflection on the role and situation of women in medicine. Besides these artistic interventions in the collection of SOM, our series of events, to take place between March and June 2020, will also include lectures, screenings, and talks, organized in cooperation with experts from the field of social sciences and medicine.
Participating artists: Ágnes Eperjesi, Viola Fátyol and Lilla Szász, Zsuzsanna Simon, Balázs Varju Tóth, Dominika Trapp
Curated by:
Flóra Gadó, Eszter Lázár, Edina Nagy, Eszter Őze
Waiting Room publication
Ágnes EPERJESI: Gördulő kövek / Rolling Gallstones
Balázs VARJU TÓTH: Fuldokló gyakorlatok / Suffocation excercises, kétcsatornás videóinstalláció / two-challel videoinstallation
fotó / photo: Bíró Dávid
Zsuzsanna SIMON: Fortis Faminae, Fanzin, installáció / fanzine, installation, 2020.
Lilla SZÁSZ: Hétköznapi hőseink - Két védőnő portréja, fotósorozat, interjú /
Our everyday heroes - Portrait of Two Health Visitors, photo-series, interview, 2020
Viola FÁTYOL: A szentképalbum és Szommer Mária portréja /
The Album of Holy Images and Portrait of Mária Szommer, 2020.
Waiting Room - Curatorial team (Flóra Gadó, Eszter Őze, Edina Nagy, Eszter Lázár)
For our full portfolio please send us an e-mail!